School and Voice Work
With school in progress, I'll be accepting less voice requests and probably get stuff I already had under my belt out a little slower. My recording space at my new place is okay, but I liked it a lot better back at home. :C Oh well, make it work, right? Feel free to send me a PM if you'd like me to voice in somethin' of yours. If I like what ya got, I'll accept it.
Comic-Con 2011
If I get paid in time for comic-con tickets to go on sale, I may be going next year. More news about this in October. I really wanna meet Jaxxy and Tomamoto (so Jaxxy can stop drawing me with an afro).
More Dub Stuff
I released another Persona 4 comic dub a few weeks ago. Check it out!
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Eeeeeeeeeehhhh, that's kinda it. :l
:D lol, hope you do well.