If you want me to voice in a game or animation of yours, then please send me a DETAILED message about the project you're scouting me for. I can't show any interest in you or your project if you don't tell me anything about it.

Age 35, Female


Joined on 8/21/08

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Sapphire's News

Posted by Sapphire - May 4th, 2012

Long time, no post!

I made a new character demo because my bro Zach S. wanted to put up a bunch of voice reels on the Symphony of Specterssite. It's not really how I wanted my new demo to turn out, but that's okay because it's a placeholder.

Anyway, I've been so busy with school and other projects outside of NG that I haven't been really keeping up with the messages I've been getting here. I'm hoping that will change this summer.

With that said, if you'd like for m to voice in a project of yours (no youtube exclusive stuff) then please feel free to send me a detailed message about it and who/what you would like me to voice.

Bye now!


Posted by Sapphire - February 5th, 2011

My first convention ever, and I managed to snag a 4-day pass along with Tomamoto (who was my fellow comrad in the war against ticketleap faggotry for 2 hours), Jaxxy, Y. Chang, and Apatheria. I'll be rooming with them and hope I can meet a lot of you at the con, even if it's just for a few seconds.

I'll be voicing in a good amount of indie games this quarter and next quarter, and singing a song or two to put up on Newgrounds.

I don't have anything else to say, so I'll leave you with this Persona 4 (hiimdaisy) preview clip I worked on a week or so ago. :)

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Posted by Sapphire - October 17th, 2010

Voice Stuff
So last week a couple of stuff I voiced in got released. First off, Road of the Dead was released on Wednesday afternoon. Another awesome game created by Evil-Dog and SickDeathFiend. Music done by the Selcuck of Symphony of Specters. The game also features the voices of Tomamoto and druoxtheshredder. If you haven't played it yet, you should go check it out!

I also participated in a Halloween flash animated by the lovely Jaxxy called No More Tricks! I voiced the snake lady, did the audio-mixing, and wrote the story (typed up within like 15 minutes). This baby features the voices of Tomamoto, YChang, and Apatheria (his debut!). Borrowed the music from thatcomposerguy. I thought she did a great job with the animation, especially when she worked on it for like... 2-3 weeks. I'm glad it got Daily 2nd and front-paged.

I'll be voicing in a few more games before the end of the year and that'll wrap up all the stuff I've done for 2010. Tomamoto's been hooking me up with taking part in some neat gigs outside of newgrounds, and I really appreciate his help! Same goes for Jaxxy.

School and Voice Requests
Just two more months and I'll be done for the first semester. It's a bit hard to record in a dorm when there are always people around, so I have to limit the amount of work I take up. Still, feel free to message me if you'd like me to voice in something of yours. Just be sure to give me the info on whatever it is you're trying to pitch to me!

More comic dubs!
I've been doing some more comic dubs with a couple of VA friends. The one below is from a few of hiimdaisy's Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney comics.

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I'm gonna be releasing another Persona 4 comic dub towards the end of the year. I'll be sure to include it in one of my future news posts! :)

That's about all I have to share with everyone. Here's the OP from my now favorite anime, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt:

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Posted by Sapphire - August 31st, 2010

School and Voice Work
With school in progress, I'll be accepting less voice requests and probably get stuff I already had under my belt out a little slower. My recording space at my new place is okay, but I liked it a lot better back at home. :C Oh well, make it work, right? Feel free to send me a PM if you'd like me to voice in somethin' of yours. If I like what ya got, I'll accept it.

Comic-Con 2011
If I get paid in time for comic-con tickets to go on sale, I may be going next year. More news about this in October. I really wanna meet Jaxxy and Tomamoto (so Jaxxy can stop drawing me with an afro).

More Dub Stuff
I released another Persona 4 comic dub a few weeks ago. Check it out!

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Eeeeeeeeeehhhh, that's kinda it. :l

Posted by Sapphire - July 10th, 2010

Happy Robot Day, everyone!

Robot Day
My group and I worked on an audio submission for this event! You can find it here. This actually happens to be our second audio submission, our first one is a full song you only hear parts of in the link above. You can check out the song here.

Thanks to ZStriefel for the music and sound effects, Y. Chang, General-Ivan, and Philip Sacramento for the voice talent.

So there's a huge ass possibility that I'll be voicing in the indie game Skull Girls. I'm pretty excited for this. D: I just need to get in contact with the creator again...

But yay!!!

I won't be taking voice requests this week since I'm in the process of moving out of my apartment. Once I get my stuff into storage I'll be traveling back to my hometown to stay for the rest of the summer until school starts back up again. So in about a week and a half I'll be able to record again. If he request is very urgent and I'm really interested in your project, then I can try and record for ya. You just have to be quick about it.

Hamburger Moon
Check out the Hamburger Moon flash! Animated by Jaxxy and voiced by Ivan. I just put together the audio. :)

I've been singing some anime song covers lately. Not in Japanese mind you, but in English. Here's one that I'm pretty proud of that features my good friend Sarifus. The song is the opening for the anime Spice and Wolf. Lyrics were adapted by my friend Christine Marie.

Here's another song, from the anime Paradise Kiss. It's like a Gwen Stefani/Lady Gaga kind of mix. More upbeat and cool. You can listen to it here. The lyrics were adapted by my besto friendo Y. Chang.

Aaand that's all for now! I'm still working on my voice demo, but I don't think it'll be done until later this month. :(

Check out this old fandub I did featuring kid Obama and Hilary Clinton. And yes... I voiced Obama!

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Posted by Sapphire - June 18th, 2010

Robot Day
Doing some audio stuff with two people for Robot Day. I'm hoping it turns out great, but it also reminded me of why I hate doing collaborations, ha ha. I kind of feel guilty for not searching for animators sooner to help out with animating the final audio we're working on, but now I think the audio should be okay on it's own. It's a collaboration between me, ZStriefel, and YChang. These boyz got talent.

Anyway, if anyone needs a female voice for their Robot Day project, let me know, and if I'm interested enough I'll message you back for more details! Right now I'm down to finishing lines for three other projects, so I should have some free time to record for Robot Day. :) Also, it'd be nice to put my new microphone, the Rode NT1-A to some more use.

Oh, I gots me a twitter. So Follow me or I'll follow you and we'll be hot n' sexy stalker lovers together.

Lil' Hoots
So a year ago I got cast in Jaxxy's "Lil Hoots" flash (episode two at least). I'm currently doing the audio editing for Episode 2. Here's hoping I'll be done within a week and a half. Music is a bitch to find.

If you haven't seen Lil' Hoots yet, then check it out here! Her animation skills are awesome as well as her drawings. Also, the animation features Tomamoto and lefthandedsock, two very awesome voice actors.

More Fandubs?
I released a fandub of the Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations Trailer on YT not too long ago. Featuring the voices of Rina-chan and Egoraptor. You can check it out below:

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Oh yeah! I voiced in YungJazz's animation, Necropolis! Check it out. The animation and music are awesome. :)

And that's it for now!

Posted by Sapphire - May 12th, 2010

A lot of things happened since my last post, so I'll start with the best thing in the world:

New Microphone!
I finally got my new mic in last month, and holy crap the quality is amazing. That means I'm going to be recording a lot with it now instead of my old Samson CO1U (still thinking about whether or not I should sell this). Looks like I need to make a new demo reel for the summer!

More Projects!
I normally don't talk about the flash movies or games I'm in, but I've been getting a good amount of voice requests lately. I'll be voicing in another game of Evil-Dog's which happens to be another awesome collab with another flash artist. I've played a few demos and the game is as amazing as fuck, and I'm convinced this will be one of the best games of 2010!

I'm also voicing for a couple of other flash artists like Jo-Silver, who's really got me excited for this new flash of his. Calicard is also coming out with a new flash soon, and I'm kind of interested in how it may turn out... Aaaand Black-Crystal scouted me a few days ago to possibly voice for the female lead in his flash series. I'm pretty excited about that. <3

I've been doing some freelance work on the side, too which is nice!

I released another Persona 4 comic dub (comic by Hiimdaisy) a few days ago. You can check it out below.

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Audio Portal
And last but not least, I'll be submitting some neat stuff into the audio portal this summer. Now that school's out I can focus more on my "Sexy Sound Project!" I need to finish scripting the first short, but that shouldn't take me long. I'm going to be commissioning HotDiggetyDemon to do cover art for it soon. I'll probably be commissioning other artists to do cover art for future shorts as well. I can't wait!

Anyway, that's it!

Posted by Sapphire - April 9th, 2010

Hey everyone!

A few days ago I ordered my NEW MICROPHONE, the Rode NT-1A Condenser Microphone (see ya, Samson!). It's pretty damn amazing, and I can't wait for it to get in stock next week so they can finally ship it to my place! I also got a pretty cool preamp from THIS guy. You should go check his stuff out! Zach is a pretty amazing musician and sound designer! He's not cheap, but his prices are pretty reasonable! Oh, I also got a pair of gold-plated XLR cables.

Since I'm getting a new setup and everything, I think it's about time I make a better voice acting demo reel. Perhaps I'll have one in May? We'll see.

And last week, I uploaded a comic dub of Hiimdaisy's first Persona 4 comic (at least the first half). It got a lot of support, so I may just continue it. Check out the video if you're a fan of Persona 4, and check out Hiimdaisy's comics as well (she's done MGS and Phoenix Wright ones as well), they are freaking hilarious. You can find the comic dub below.

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Aaaand, my beautiful mic:

New recording set up! Plus, YouTube.

Posted by Sapphire - March 18th, 2010

So, not too long ago a game called "Hippolyta" was released and I was fortunate enough to voice in it as Hippolyta herself along with the amazing druoxtheshredder. I didn't think I'd be playing this game once it got released, but I did and it's so addicting, yet frustrating at the same time. Btw, did you all know there's an 'Auto-Save' function now?

My friend Chris is an amazing voice actor and hilarious. I helped him put his voice demo reel together after 4 years of not making one. You should all
check it out! He's taking up voice requests for games and animations, so if you need a new, fresh male voice then go to him if you like what you hear!

In need of music for your animation/game? Check out Zach Striefel for your music needs! He doesn't normally work for free, but his prices are reasonable. Oh, he also makes some kick ass sound effects. Maybe you need some to spice things up?

Anyway, Zach happened to stumble upon a sailor moon audition on Youtube yesterday. It's a paying gig and it's LEGIT. You basically pick your favorite sailor moon character and just do a short skit involving them and submit it as a video response. Zach, GeneralIvan (awesome voice actor too!), and I decided to do a group audition as Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Saturn, respectively. Check it out below and audition! Seriously people, this is amazing.

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Posted by Sapphire - March 1st, 2010

Just making a post saying that I'm up for some voice acting for either flashes (no hentai stuff plz) or games (original ones). Just shoot me a PM with details and a sample script, and I'll reply back to you as soon as I can!

I only have a few VA-related project to record for (let's say 4) but I should be done with them by the end of the week.

Also, if you're having trouble looking for some really good male VA's, let me know and I can hook you up with some really awesome male va's I know!